Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Quilt Show #3- The Loot!

Finally down to the good stuff...the LOOT! (Sorry that it has taken me so long to post about it, but things have been crazy at my house:the little person's pink eye incident, the little person's birthday, family in town, sight seeing with family, and just exhaustion!)

Of course there was booth after booth of fabric at the quilt show just calling out my name! I tried to restrain myself from buying too much fabric because I could buy most of it at my local quilt shops. However, I just couldn't resit buying a few things!

How could I resits buying anthing Fig Tree... especially those cute little postcards? I bought more Dandelion Girl because I haven't been able to find it at my local shops. Then how could I resist the booth selling the charm packs for $5,00?

I bought the little hexagon makers after I saw the beautiful quilt that I wrote about in my previous post. I bought it from the Cotton and Chocolate Quilt Company and it is perfect for the charm packs that I bought. You simply cut the pieces into 2.5" squares and away you go!

How could I resist the YLI thread booth? How could I resist the Connecting Threads booth were I bought the cute blue vintage tin? How could I walk away from the Acorn Quilt & Gift Company Booth?

I found this great book with tons of stitchery images! They can be transferred to just about anything and they are just too cute! I thought that they would be a great way to personalize gifts!
Finally, this was my BIG purchase! Well it was really my DH's BIG purchase. He wanted to buy me something, so I chose the portable design wall. I had been thinking about purchasing one for quite awhile, so I thought that this would be the perfect thing for him to buy me. It is portable, light weight (6 lbs), and huge (72"x72")! Wise decision and it was a good deal!

Well that is about it for my loot! Trust me I could have bought 2 of everything that was there, but I did restrain myself!

Hope that you enjoyed them!.........Until next time.......Happy Quilting!


Mar said...

Wow, you got some good stuff, I keep picking up that stitchery book and putting back, one day it will go home with me! Congrats on your design wall.

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Love all your goodies! Those charm packs will be perfect for hexagons. I have heard a bit about that stitchery book lately - will have to look out for it!